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 2024 Vendor Application


Fill out the form below if you're interested in being a Vendor. Vender fee is a total $200 per day. It  includes 4 ft  booth space for both conference days. This information will be used on our website and event forms. Please complete this entire questionnaire with as much detail as possible. 


Applications are accepted until spaces are filled. Spaces fill on a first come - first served basis. Please note: we reserve the right to refuse any application.

Acceptance Terms:

Selected Vendors will receive an acceptance letter/email and an invoice for their table. Then you will be invoiced and fee is payable by check or credit card)* Once table fees have been paid, the Vendor will be announced and listed on our social media and website. Please read through our cancellation policy.

Cancellation Policy:

In the event that a Vendor needs to cancel, fees will be refunded 50%.  if notice is provided 30 days before the event.

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